today I would like to share two Domino charms with you. For the charm above I used resin and soldered it. I really like how it turned out. The domino below is a bit bigger and I think I will use it on a book cover.
I'm sure I will make more:) Wishing you all a wonderful upcoming weekend and as always thank you so much for stopping by and for taking the time to leave a comment.
Hugs and love,

They are both gorgeous, dear Marie! The images are lovely and you've chosen pretty embellishments.
Have a great evening!
Hi Marie. They are both beautiful! Hugs, Sue
Love! I've never seen anyone combine soldering and dominoes. They look fabulous together.
Love them both., but my fav is the first one.
Hi Marie,
Gorgeous effect-love the look of the resin and solder.
en-JOY a sweet weekend,
O my word, These are two Beautiful creations..The images & detail is Fabulous...Love them both!! Hugs May x x x
they are so beautiful!
Many hugs
Karen B. ~ Todolwen
Beautiful !
Thanks for sharing - have a great week end!
:-) Nina
dear marie,
this domino is so wonderful! a great artwork...
many greetings
You have such a wonderful knack of picking just the right image and the perfect embellishments. Every charm you make is a wonderful little treasure.
They are so beautiful.
Wish you a great weekend
Hugs from here
They oth are so special. Beautiful.
Hugs Yvonne
these are amazing pieces! Just gorgeous! it sounds like such a lovely technique to try too!
Hope you have a beautiful weekend!
Did you need to create a surround on the dominoes so that the Ice Resin didn't pour over the edges?
It is a long time since I last altered dominoes, this is such an inspirational post.
First of all so sorry for being MIA for quite some time Marie, wasn't something I intended to, but it has been such a hectic time at work... Bad excuse, I know... Anyway, I'm glad to be able to visit again and I really love your latest creations, you have not only been active, but very creative, too! Lovely creations as usual! Take care, Ira x
Ira’s Crea Corner
Hello sweet Marie
Late in catching up since returning from a week's break up in the mountains and then down to the coast!
Your soldered domino pieces are exquisite. The images and the little bird and nest is so very gorgeous.
And you, my friend, are so talented in creating these!
Love and hugs,
Dear Marie your domino charms are so wonderfully made, love the images you have used and the small things you have added.
Hugs Anni
Well Marie, These have to be the prettiest altered domino's I've ever seen. I've never thought about soldering them, Bravo!!!!
Hugs Lynn
That's a very cute creations
Liebe Marie, Deine Domino Charms sind traumhaft schön. Ich könnte mich direkt in sie verlieben.
Meine Tochter und ich verbrachten eine Woche in London. Es war bereits das 5. Mal, dass ich diese faszinierende Stadt besuchte. Wir hatten viel Spaß und haben viel Neues entdeckt.
Ich hoffe, dass es Dir gut geht und
ich wünsche Dir noch ein schönes restliches Wochenende, meine Liebe.
Hello dear Marie
These altered dominoes are divine.
I adore the first one - the image is so sweet and perfectly embellished.
I imagine you've got tiny fingers to work so well with these tiny pieces.
Inspiring dear Marie.
I hope your weekend is enjoyable.
Hugs and love
Shane xox
The dominoes are so gorgeous! And the lower one belongs to me now!!!
Thank you again, my dear Marie. You've given me a great pleasure.
Please have a look here:
Deine Dominos sind wirklich zauberhaft meine Liebe.
Hugs Alexandra
Hi Marie, its béen way to long since my last visit to you or you to me!
Love always the beauty in what you create and inspire,
You grace and beauty is touched with everything you create.
I just made the most simple lamp shade anyone can do and it really added to the relaxed feel this artist so desires.
See you soon,
What a great Idea! I have all kinds of Old Orphaned Dominoes, now I'm Inspired to do something with them other than just displaying them in an old canning jar! What great Gifts Creating something like this with some of them would make!
Blessings from the Arizona Desert... Dawn... The Bohemian
Those are gorgeous
So pretty! So dominoes can be soldered the same way as a pc of glass of broken china, etc? The iron or molten solder doesn't melt the domino? Please advise. Thanks for sharing.
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