Tuesday, August 23, 2011

I’m So Overwhelmed


Hello my dear friends,

the most wonderful package arrived in my  mailbox a few days ago.


Have a look what dear Robin @ Robin’s Nest spoiled me with.


I just love the box and it has my favorite image on there. The box alone is a gift by itself. Hidden inside  I found this gorgeous lavender bag.


But that was not all as you can see on the pics.!


Fabric flowers, hand stamped silk,petite bottle and lace.

Doilies,charms,MOP buttons and beautiful glass charms.

Thank you so much, dear Robin I just love everything you send me and I’m still overwhelmed with your generosity.


At the moment we have friends staying with us for two weeks, meaning  that my spare time to visit you all is limited.

So, be patient with my response  time – I will do my best catching up with you.



Have a wonderful week and thank you so much for stopping by and for all your lovely comments.

Hope to be back soon.

Hugs and love,




Unknown said...

Wonderful gifts from loving friends, enjoy them Marie, which I know you will ;-) Hugs, Ira. How nice you have friends staying over, have a lovely time together!

Martina said...

Oh, Marie - Du Glückliche! Robin hat Dir ganz entzückende Dinge geschenkt! Ist sie nicht großzügig? Ich liebe Robins Arbeiten auch sehr (genau wie Deine:-))
Hab noch eine schöne Woche.

Blessed Serendipity said...

What wonderful gifts that you received.


margits bastelstube said...

hi marie,
super sachen sind in deinem päckchen! herrlich....
liebe grüsse

Dorthe said...

Dear Marie, Oh Robin really send you such a beautiful, and gorgeus, gift. So many wonderful things- and the box, and lavender bag is so awsome.
Hugs, and enjoy your guests, sweet.

Robin said...

So glad you like everything Marie, it was a joy putting this together for you! Have a wonderful visit with your family.


Rhonda said...

What a beautiful package - full of inspiring supplies and created with love!

she dreams big! said...

Oh you lucky duck to have such a sweet friend! I only wish I had some talent of my own to send you something pretty too!

Tina said...

What a great package Marie - lots of beautiful stuff. Love it all.
Have a lovely evening.
xo Tina

Ann said...

so many lovely things!! so very sweet of Robin. enjoy them all Marie!!!
Enjoy your visit with your friends!!

Unknown said...

These ar indeed stunning treasures! Robin is so generous and kind! What a great thing blogger is no? :)


Unknown said...

lucky...lucky you! :)

Michele Oliver said...

What a wonderful gift to get in the mail. Lucky you

Lisa said...

Wow Marie, you were blessed! Robin has your style pegged down perfectly. Every bit of it amazing.
I am crazy for your little lace bag in the previous post also. Love it. Hope your having fun with your guests.

sharon said...

Enjoy your friends Marie, and your beautiful gifts!

Terry said...

Now that is a lovely collection of mail goodness, which I know you will so enjoy! Speaking of enjoyment, have a great time with your company! We will all be here for your return!

Julia @ Vintage with Laces said...

These are fantastic gifts, dear Marie! I love Robin's beautiful creations as well as all the wonderful treasures she had sent you. Enjoy, sweetie and have a great time with your friends!

Ana. said...

Everything is beautiful. I love this things!! The past eras are wonderful...

A greeting!

Gaby Bee said...

WOW, what a gorgeous gift! Lucky you! I too love Robin's creations. She always make such wonderful things.

Have a wonderful time with your friends!

Hugs, Gaby

Lynne Moncrieff said...

Dear Marie you deserve to be spoilt.
One gorgeous creation after another and then those little treasures she also sent to you.
You are always so appreciative of whatever anyone sends to you.
What a beautiful photograph you shared with us.

Elly said...

Ich freu mich mit dir, denn das Gefühl kann ich sowas von nachvollziehen, wenn einem beim Öffnen des Päckchens der Atem stockt. Gückwunsch, du hast es verdient, denn deine Sachen sind auch der Oberhammer. Dein Blog ist Inspiration pur.(:o) Elly

Angie said...

Marie, you're both so talented and generous! You do deserve some lovely gifts and I see that you did receive them.

Have a wonderful time with your friends.....and we'll see you later.


Suz said...

Those are precious gifts. Such talent on the internet. May I also say thatI am also feeling totally overwhelmed and you will hear from me soon!!!

Alexandra said...

Super schöne Sachen hast du bekommen Marie und das Foto mit der Hortensie ist traumhaftschön geworden!

Lynn Stevens said...

Wonderful gifts from Robin! You are so Loved my dear!
hugs Lynn

Waldman said...

It all is wonder, you sure got spoiled. Thanks for sharing.

Ragamuffin Gal said...

Lovely Lovelies Marie! Enjoy your friends ~ of course we will wait for you! Blessings dear heart!

Sugar Lump Studios said...

Oh Marie...these are gorgeous treasures! What beautiful pieces to cherish and create with! :) Lucky you! Hope you have a wonderful Sunday m'dear! xoxo

BellaDonna's Charm said...

Oh my, another favorite to come! You are spoiled; so many gifts from lovely people; talent; creativity as well as the patience to keep us all updated! Thank you for your input in blogland and the inspiration you bring to your followers.


Ryanne from Holland

Anneke said...

such gorgeous gifts you got.
this is realy the vintage look i like.

Anonymous said...

Oh that is all just so lovely! Isn't blogging a blessing! What a surprise to be showered with pretty goodies...that I know will be put to good use! Your creations are always amazing!

Have a good day!
ciao bella


Melissa/Piney Rose said...

You lucky, lucky girl! Such pretty gifts..

Ana Márquez said...

They are all so beautiful! You are very lucky! :-) Hugs!

Jensters said...

Such beautyness and a wonderful blog too.

Dianne said...

How beautiful! What a lucky girl you are!

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