Hello my dear friends,
look what was in the mail a few days ago!
This beautiful card from dear Lynne @ Adorn
but that was not all:)
Dear Lynne also included this gorgeous wall hanging which I admired on her blog. Tugged inside was a white fabric bag with buttons,pearls and lace. Thanks again,dear Lynne I just love it.
If you never visited Lynne over @ Adorn go and have a look, you are in for a treat.
The gifts are all wrapped up and I think I’m almost done with my Christmas preparations. How about you?
I want to wish you a merry Christmas and would like to take the opportunity to once again thank you for your support, all your wonderful comments and your friendship. That means a lot to me. Have a wonderful week and as always thank you so much for stopping by.
Hugs and love,
Hello... just a short note to let you know your link to adorn doesn't work... I think you have a extra E in the address... Happy holidays
Hi Marie! Just stopping by to wish you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!
Such lovely creations from dear Lynne, enjoy! Happy Holidays to you and your beloved ones once more! Hugs, Ira
Dear Marie, Lynne makes the most beautiful things, I love what she send you- and your packets looks wonderful.Mine a almost packed ,too- and I`m soon ready for my family to arrive :)
Love and hugs,Dorthe
Oh what a lovely mail day indeed! Merry Christmas!
Everything looks just beautiful Marie! Love your card and wall hanging and the embellishments. Pure joy!
a sweet gift for an even sweeter person! i adore the way you've packaged that gift as well! Merry and blessed Xmas to you!
Marie deine Fotos sind klasse geworden!
Just love good mail days!
Merry Christmas. Hug, Amy Jo
Lovely gifts to a lovely lady!! Have a wonderful Christmas!!
Merry Christmas Marie. I've so enjoyed getting to know you this past year. It doesn't surprise me you are gifted - you are a giving person.
Many, many blessings, Rhonda
Hello my dear Marie, Lynnes card and wall hanging are both beautiful and so are your wrapped gifts. It looks like you are prepared and now can relax for the next days.
Merry Christmas to you and your hubby!
Big Christmas hugs,
Dear Marie
Lovely cards from Lynne.
Yours are so beautiful too and your wrapping.
Thank you Marie for a year of wonderful creativity - it's been a pleasure visiting your lovely blog!!
Joyeux Noel
Wishing you a very Merry Christmas and a Happy Creative New Year too! May all of your dreams come true for 2012!
liebe marie,
das sind wirklich schöne karten und dinge, die du da hast. schön nostalgisch (wie ich es gerne habe).
ich wünsche dir ein schönes weihnachtsfest und gesundheit im neuen jahr.
alles liebe
Wow, such beautiful mail and presents.
I wish you a very wonderful Christmas, Marie.
I hope you will have some lovely days with people you love.
A Beautiful hanging and Christmas card from a lovely lady.
Your packages look devine Marie.
Wishing you and yours a wonderful Christmas and a New Year full of Joy and happiness!
hugs Lynn
your packages are loooking devine and so nice to have.
i wish a merry christmas with your family and a happy new year.
enjoy these days from peace and no working.
Dear Marie so wonderful thing you are showing and your wrapping so beautiful.
Wishing you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.
Hugs Anni
Dear Marie
Thank you for such beautiful words and photographs for my humble card and gift pouch.
Your packages are so beautiful but then again, you have the Midas touch, everything you touch turns to beauty.
Wishes to you
Best wishes for a happy Christmas and New Year, Marie!
Your creations are fantastic as always.
I wish you a Merry Christmas and a Great New Year.
Hugs Bente
Beautiful Creations here as always! Merry Christmas to you and yours.
You have shared your gorgeous creations all year Marie, and have always given me a wonderful sense of peace and serenity.
Have a beautiful and Merry Christmas Marie.
Big hugs!
Merry Christmas my Friend! Hope you have a Wonderful Day spent with all of the People you hold Dear!
Great Big Hugs!
nice to met your blog, I love it, wish you a merry Chrismas, big hugh Kathrin
Just stop by to wish you a merry christmas bless with love!
Hugs, Sonja
Lovely gifts youve received:))
Merry Christmas to you and yours!:))
Super schöne Geschenke hast Du bekommen, liebe Marie!
Wünsche Dir ebenfalls ein wunderbares Weihnachtsfest und ein tolles 2012!
Love and Hugs, Viola :-)
Lovely treasures for a very lovely lady. Wishing you a Christmas filled with many beautiful and joyful moments. Blessings ~ Katie
Merry Christmas, dear heart. Thank you for bringing joy into my life!
Love and hugs,
Oh Dear Marie, the gifts you received, the packages you have wrapped and all of the artwork you have created for the Holidays is absolutely exquisite!!
Thank you for always being so sweet to us...I always love visiting you!
Merry Christmas Dear Sweet Marie and Many, Many Blessings in the New Year!
Love & Hugs,
Carol Anne
Merry christmas to you, I hope that this day is of the happiest for you and your family!
Joyeux Noël!!!
Beautiful day
Fantastically beautiful Christmas gifts from Lynne! I love Lynne's work so much. She make such pretty things.
I wish you and your loved ones a beautiful second Christmas day and tomorrow and a safe journey home!
Liebe Grüße
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